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from the silence

Neerava, meditation Rice Lake 2020, edit.jpeg





Finding Peace
Amidst the Noise of Life

7 week online meditation course
Begins January, 2025


From the Deep
Retreat for Women

Introspection - Self-Discovery - Transformation

Gambier Island, BC Canada
Sept 27-30, 2024

UPDATE Sept 20th:
There is still 1 spot available! 

Online Group Sessions

2:00-5:00pm Pacific

This session is for those who have used the Dalian Method at least once, and would like to practice with the group energy. Please request to join this session by emailing Neerava.  

About Neerava

It brings me great joy to share with others the gifts that Life has given me, and I strive to share myself and approach each moment from the inner silent awareness that resides within us all. I share this experience and awareness through the Dalian Method (private sessions, workshops and presentations), along with the support of yin yoga, active meditations and the music that I feel inspired to create.  

May we all truly see that to journey through life from the spacious silence within us brings the connectiontransformation, creativity and freedom we are all seeking. 

Much love, Neerava

Sandra Dawn Kroeger (aka 'Neerava') E-RYT 500, RCYT, has offered yoga and meditation for 23 years; in her home studio, preschools, businesses, elementary/high schools, and at her former studio space in Tsawwassen. She also worked several years at Vancouver’s InspireHealth (integrated cancer care centre) where she taught yoga/meditation classes, offered private healing sessions (certified Reiki Master, Healing Touch, Sound Healing), led support groups, deep relaxation classes and provided soothing music and outreach services for palliative clients (2004-2009). Neerava was the music director at CSL Vancouver from early 2007 until Nov, 2008, and at Tsawwassen United Church from 2009 - 2014, inspiring all with her heart-opening voice and music leadership. 


Although her yoga studies began in the year 2000, working for three years with a life-long yogi, Ivan Ajorday Jones, and continued with a 200 hr program in 2005 at Nirvana School of Yoga, Neerava also completed a 500 hour teaching certification at Semperviva Yoga College in 2014, and is certified to teach Hatha, Yin, Active Meditations, Kundalini, Vinyasa, Chair Yoga, as well as Children & Youth Yoga (95 hour KYTT certification).


Neerava has a BA in Religious Studies from University of Calgary, has curiosity for all forms of spirituality, and a gift for sharing her passion with people from all walks of life. She also studied for several years with the former opera singer, Heidi Klassen, and is grateful for the many musical gifts she received from Heidi's decades of professional vocal training and experience. 


For her own continued inner exploration, Neerava has been studying with a rare mystic Mada Eliza Dalian since 2013, and practicing with the profound and practical healing technique Mada created, the Self-Healing Dalian Method. Neerava is eternally grateful for Mada's wisdom and ongoing guidance and having the opportunity to be trained as a Dalian Method facilitator (2015 onwards). Neerava is passionate about offering the Dalian Method and all the creative practices that support this light-speed, powerful process. 


Through her personal journey of transformation, Neerava has discovered a place of inner trust, silent awareness and freedom that is our birthright. However, this inner work in not an easy path, and requires vigilance to face the many tricks of the ego. Neerava utilizes yoga, numerous meditation techniques, vocal expression, music/sound healing, and most profoundly the Self-Healing Dalian Method to assist this process. Neerava brings 24 years of training, practical life experience, her strongly developed intuition, sincerity, creativity and deep compassion to all her private sessions, workshops, presentations and unique online programs.


Life has lead Neerava down many paths, and she unexpectedly took a turn towards a new role In June 2022. Currently she works as Community Engagement Director & Retreat Facilitator for Camp Fircom, Gambier Island, BC, Canada, where she continues to grow and share her gifts in many ways. Although this position is primarily online, Neerava does offer yearly in person retreats and facilitates Mom & Kids Camps in the summer. For more information on all retreats, including those at Fircom on Gambier Island, please see the retreat pages on this website. Neerava is currently working towards living full time in Estoril, Portugal and will be expanding her online offerings for 2025. 

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